Sunday, August 23, 2009


Scholarship and academics is a very important part of who we are as Thetas. Not only are we beautiful, fun, spontaneous, hard-working, loving, and compassionate individuals (the list goes on), we also have pretty good heads on top of these shoulders. We're smart girls.

I kind of jumped onto the blog bandwagon at the beginning of the summer and, as Scholarship Chair, I thought it would be pretty cool to make a blog dedicated to showcasing our smarts. and since tomorrow is the first day of school (cue rolling eyes and gagging noises now)... what better time to start this endeavor.

A few of the things that I would like this wonderful, amazing, better-than-facebook contraption called blogging to accomplish are:

1) a weekly reading list. The Education committee and I will find a "book of the week" and feature it on The Blog every week. A short summary and pictures will follow.

2) featured Thetas who have been caught in the Library or elsewhere on campus studying/tutoring/reading/doing something scholarly.

3) study hall hours. There will be a small section updated each week with the study hall hours for that week. No more forgetting your favorite weekly event!

4) vocabulary word of the week. We are obviously well-read already (hello, we're THETAS) but new words are fun.

5) intriguing tidbits of info that may range from cultural/academic events on campus to healthy snacks to keep you awake while studying. All in the name of scholarship, of course!